I already know I'm going to get some backlash for this, but oh well, I have been silent for far too long, and with the recent turn of events that took place on Capital Hill, I simply cannot be silent any longer. The blame MUST fall on the voters this time around. WHY, you ask? Here's why:
1. For YEARS, generations, even, the voters of the CNMI have played their part in the growth of this cancerous government and its corrupt politicians. We saw what was happening, but we turned a blind eye to it all because we were living the island life, and that's just the way the cookie crumbles, right?
2. We continue to place our trust and our faith in this disastrous government, hoping that it will do the right thing, and obviously, it's getting us nowhere. Why must we insist that the government do everything for us? Why can't we rise up as a People and demand and end to this corrupt government? Why can't we take a page from Iceland's book and replace the entire corrupt government with a government that is TRULY of the People, by the People, and FOR the People?
3. We, as the people of the CNMI, need to realize our true strength and our true potential. We NEED to realize that a government, ESPECIALLY a corrupt one, only has the authority to rule based on the CONSENT of the governed. The blame must fall on the voters because we have put up with and accepted this corrupt government for YEARS and generations, simply submitting ourselves to all of its absurdities, when we SHOULD'VE been saying, "This is a corrupt government, and I no longer give it consent to govern me." (which would have been followed up with the complete overthrow of this corrupt government).
TO ALL CNMI VOTERS, I highly suggest you go read some stuff by Thomas Paine, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, and even Thomas Hobbes, before this upcoming election. Actually read, in its entirety, and understand, the Declaration of Independence. See if you can still bring yourself to participate in this System by casting your vote, after you have read some of these works and fully understand them. The Founding Fathers of America fought so hard to free themselves from the Tyranny of the King and to establish the United States of America, a nation which we CHOSE to be a part of, a nation which we based our own laws and ideals on, and for what? So we can just spit in their faces and say, "To hell with revolution, that's just the way things are here in the CNMI!"? If we CHOSE to be a part of the American family, shoudln't we strive to follow the example of the Founding Fathers and revolt against corruption in our own Commonwealth? Shouldn't we, as the Founding Fathers did, free ourselves from the rule of the "King" who is unfit to rule over us? Who is unfit to be a ruler AT ALL?
As much as I supported the whole impeachment thing, I knew from the start that it was all just another exercise in futility. Another big waste of our time. How could we honestly expect that this corrupt government would suddenly turn on itself and impeach its head? Did we really believe that the snake would just suddenly bite off its own head? If we REALLY wanted the Governor out of office, we SHOULD HAVE done it by means of a recall, not by impeachment. How much longer will we let ourselves be fooled by all of this bread and circus?
WE THE PEOPLE must take these islands back!
WE THE PEOPLE must put an end to this tyranny!
WE THE PEOPLE must completely do away with this corrupt government!
ANOTHER CNMI IS POSSIBLE, my brothers and sisters. We only need to want it badly enough. I would really like for you all to read Gene Sharp's booklet "From Dictatorship to Democracy," because it could REALLY help us. In closing, I leave you with the words of Frederick Douglass:
“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”