Sunday, March 11, 2012

Re: Fitial: NMI illegals now over 9,000

An article came out in the Tribune today called "Fitial: NMI illegals now over 9,000," in which our beloved genius of a governor says that he is more than willing to deport over 9,000 people from the CNMI. This man would be removing many people who have been living and working in the CNMI (and thus contributing greatly to the community and economy) for decades, and separating parents from their US citizen children or otherwise forcing the children to decide between their home or their parents; and he is perfectly fine with doing so! We knew he was bad news before, but now we see just how heartless and truly evil this man is. How he won a second term in office, I will never understand.

“I told them that if you cannot deport overstayers, give me the authority to do so because I am very good in deporting overstayers,” he said in an interview on Saturday. (From the article) If that's the case, why don't you go ahead and deport yourself, since you're an overstayer too…. an overstayer in public office! You don't deserve to be our governor, and our people KNOW that. YOU know that. So, since you're so proud of being "very good in [wrong article, by the way; you're supposed to use AT, not IN…..learn some English, it'd do you good] deporting overstayers," PLEASE, Governor Fitial, do everyone in the CNMI a huge favor and deport yourself outta office!

“I don't understand what humanitarian parole is. My humanitarian issue here is my people who are not working because we have an underground economy going on because of too many legal overstayers,” he added. “Everybody who is not contributing to the community should not be here. In other words, get out. I cannot be more clear than that.” (From the article) So, everyone who is not contributing to the community should not be in the CNMI, eh? Are you going to tell that to the thousands of people of Northern Marianas Descent who are unemployed and living off of food stamps and other forms of welfare? People who have been doing it for years, and some even for GENERATIONS? Because last I checked, they don't contribute to the community, either. IN FACT, most of the foreign workers in the CNMI have contributed a whole LOT more to our community than those career foodstampers, so if your main concern and priority is getting everyone out of the CNMI who doesn't contribute to our community, why don't you start with the career foodstampers? Oh, that's right, that's because you're NOT actually concerned about people who aren't contributing to the community; you're actually concerned about foreign workers because you hate them so much and you just want them all gone. I think someone's forgetting where one of his loved ones came from….

“We need to remove all these overstayers because they are not contributing to this community,” he said, adding that when the Department of Homeland Security found out that the CNMI government was planning to sue over the one-year parole that USCIS has been starting to grant, “they requested that we talk. So talk is continuing.” (from the article) Yeah, because that is this GEINUS's idea for solving everything: sue the federal government as much as possible, as often as possible, for whatever reason possible! Yeah!! Let's go ahead and waste the CNMI taxpayer money with pointless lawsuits! You spend millions on these lawsuits, and then complain that our economy is bust and you blame the foreign workers for it? These people have been contributing to society in the CNMI since way before you even started the Covenant Party, you fool. You want to see who the REAL cancer to the CNMI is, go look in a damn mirror!

And also, if you're going to deport these thousands of people, what do you plan to do about getting them their tax refunds and rebates? And what about the wages that their employers owe some of them? Are you just going to brush that off as well and say "Oh too bad, better luck next time?" What a disgrace. If you're going to say that you're going to deport all these people, you'd better get them their money first, or you're going to have more problems than just people "not contributing to the community."

These 9,000+ people have been living in the CNMI for decades and contributing to the community in more ways than one (culturally, economically, socially, etc.). The REAL reason he doesn't want them to stay is because he knows that these people are finally waking up from a long slumber; the very slumber that living and working in the CNMI has put them in…. they are starting to wake up and realize their true power, and they know that they CAN fight for their rights. And that scares the bejeezus out of our beloved Governor, because he knows that when these people win their fight and get their long overdue rights, the entire political arena in the CNMI will change and Fitial & Co. will lose the stranglehold that they have over politics in the Islands. He can't have that happen, so his simple solution to it all is to just try to deport them. That's a HUGE slap in the face to the thousands of people who have been living and working in the CNMI for decades, who have raised families there, and who have been contributing to the country for all this time. He's basically saying to them: "Thank you for your help with developing my country, but your usefulness has run out and I have no more need for you here (HAH!); no get the hell off my island and go back to where you came from!"

Is this really the kind of person you want running your country, CNMI? What happened to being a good Christian (Catholic) and living up to the words of your supposed savior and religious figurehead, Jesus Christ? I guess that your religious devotion, much like your political tact, is just a huge sham. Way to go, Governor. Making the CNMI look worse day by day…. You need to step down from office, I think.

That is all.

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