Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Dear People of the CNMI:

Congratulations, our collective refusal to get off of our couches and into the streets to protest against this abusive, corrupt, and severely mismanaged government has resulted in the shutdown of some of our Commonwealth Health Center's clinics. We can now add this incident to the long list of government abuse that we’ve had to put up with. Mostly everyone said they weren’t protesting because they had a family to feed. I hope no one in our families gets sick anytime soon, now that we have no health care in certain areas. I really hope that this will be the tipping point for us all; that we will finally, after so many years of silence and inaction, be able to stand up and protest.

Please, people of the CNMI, please, I’m begging you. How much longer can we possibly wait? How much more of this storm can we possibly weather? How many more days can we go without our hospital's clinics? What will happen if our children get sick while the hospital's clinics are closed? Please do it for your children, if anything. Do they not deserve a better future? Do they not deserve a better PRESENT? Don’t let them grow up with contempt in their hearts because we didn’t do anything to stop any of it. Let us set a proper example for our kids!

This has now literally become a matter of life or death, and I hope everyone can see that. Will we still not protest, fearing the loss of our jobs? Or will we protest, fearing the loss of our lives? Would we rather keep our jobs or our lives? The time has come to make a decision, and I hope we all choose our lives. Stand up and speak out against this government! If we truly love the CNMI, we WILL protest. Protest is the only way in this situation. Nothing else will work. Nothing else has worked. Protest NOW, CNMI, please! Do not let this government step all over us any longer!!! It’s time to tell the CNMI government and the world that “WE’RE MAD AS HELL, AND WE’RE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!”

Mad as Hell,
Kelvin Rodeo
Glendale, CA

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